Your career in care with Hesley Group

Our mission is simple. Everyone at Hesley Group is here to enable people with complex needs to achieve their full potential.

To do this requires some pretty unique qualities. A wealth of experience and specialist expertise, high-quality therapeutic environments and resources, all in a place that’s safe, stimulating, with positive well-considered risk management where individually tailored support, education and therapies can come together to give each and everyone the skills and confidence they need to be who they want to be.

Our Mission
Our Aims

Our aims at Hesley Group are to be:


Every person who uses our services is an individual in their own right and our person-centred approach respects everybody’s unique worth. We respect personal beliefs, wishes and aspirations by supporting people to make choices so that they can feel in control of their lives.


As an outcome-focused provider, we aim to support everyone to achieve their aspirations, goals and what’s important to them.


People we support, their families and those who commission our services rightly expect a very high standard of service. We hold ourselves to account for the quality of our provision and have clear ways to evidence this.

Our Quality Team drives policy, performance and practice in consultation and collaboration with the managers and staff. We consult with people supported, their families and other representatives to ensure we are meeting their expectations. We have a comprehensive complaints procedure and work to learn from this what we can do better both in terms of our response to individual concerns as well as developments in current best practice.

Keeping people safe

Ensuring people’s safety underpins everything we do. People that receive support are protected from harm and avoidable risk because we train our staff extensively in safe working practices. We aim to keep the living and working environment as safe as possible without denying people the opportunity to take positive risks and develop skills.

We have detailed policies and procedures that everyone must follow, including an Employee Code of Conduct, Health and Safety, Safeguarding Adults and the use of Positive Behaviour Support, which includes the use and elimination of the need for restrictive intervention.

Our Aims Further